Monday, January 18, 2016

Comment Wall

Happy Commenting! 


  1. I like the layout and color contrast of your blog.

  2. I really like your layout! The turquoise color looks great against the pink

  3. Hi Mace! I think you did a really good job with your blog and portfolio this semester! I’m so glad you were in this class and I am so glad we were abel to interact with each other by reading each other’s stories and posts! Maybe we can incorporate our creative abilities from this class into our capstone in the fall!

  4. Hey Macey! It seems like we’ve been in the same group often this semester. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you throughout these past few months. Typically online courses are very independent with very little communication with anyone in the class. I liked how this one had everyone talking to each other so we could get to know one another! You did a great job with all of your stories and I enjoyed getting to read them! I hope you have a great dead week and finish up the semester strong!
