Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 3 Storytelling - The Wedding

I would say this was the wedding of the century, but that would be an understatement. This was the wedding of eternity. The wedding of the universe. There was never again a more important wedding. It was the first wedding, Adam and Eve’s that is.

 No celebrity wedding will ever come close to matching the icons that were at this special event. There were angels at this wedding, multiple at that. Every species of animal living on earth was in attendance. Not to mention the most important guest of all, God. This wedding set the stage for all other wedding to come.

The most memorable thing about this day was light. There was so much light all around. Also, joy. Everyone and everything there was full of joy that multiplied around the earth.  The animals that attended all added their own unique gifts to the ceremony. The birds chirped and flew in perfect symmetrical patters around the sky. While the grasshoppers jumped around and around placing leaves and shrubs to coat the ground. All of earth’s creatures came together to celebrate the beauty of Adam and Eve’s unity.

The day started early with the angels helping Eve get ready for the big day. The angels had been working hard on getting her outfit ready. They dressed her in casual elegant white cloths. This dress blended in with the elegance of the wedding and with the earth in which they shared it. These cloths’ flowed effortlessly with the wind and made Eve feel beautiful. The white symbolized Eve’s purity, as pure as the bright light that surrounded her. Eve was glowing from ear to ear, excited for the day to come.

Adam bathed in a nearby river that morning, to cleanse his body of any dirt or impurities. The doves had sown him a skirt of leaves for him to wear for the ceremony.  The earth was also a critical element to this wedding. There was greenery surrounding the whole wedding alter and intricate vines lining the archways of the isle. Flowers of all colors were represented at this ceremony; Rosebuds, sunflowers, daffodils and more. Tall willow trees created shade for the guests and added to the intimate ambiance.

The ceremony itself was grand as well. God officiated it and presented the values of all weddings to come. Once the ceremony ended Adam and Eve left as husband and wife. Their covenant of marriage could finally begin as God had planned all along.

(Adam and Eve Wedding Depiction - Wikipedia)

Authors Note: This story is based on the story of Adam and Eve. Nowhere in this story does it go into much depth about the surrounding of the wedding. The story does tell us that God, animals, and angels were in attendance. It also describes what God talk's about during the ceremony. I just though it was such an amazing event in history that it would be fun to try and imagine what that day was like.  

Bibliography: Adam and Eve, By. Louis Ginzberg, 1909. Link to online source 


  1. You did a fantastic job at creating a story over the wedding of Adam and Eve. Now I noticed, I have never heard of wedding between Adam and Eve. I am impressed by your creativity and imagination. You did a wonderful job at creating a whole new story without much information to be used. I loved the picture you used because I can totally agree with the fact that picture is reminding me of wedding. Great job!

  2. Ooooh, Macey! I loved it! I think it is so fascinating to see which direction people can take the original story to make it their own little baby. You did a stellar job! I felt like I was in attendance for the ceremony and could just fell how happy Adam and Eve were. The way you began the story caught my attention and I was intrigued to learn more about this wedding of the century, who's wedding could be THAT amazing that it earned the title of "wedding of all weddings?" of course, Adam and Eve definitely deserve that title, since they were the very first man and woman. Great job!
