Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Reading Diary Week 6 - South African Folk-Tales

South African Folk-Tales by James Honey

I have read a lot of animal stories so far this semester, and these stories continue with that pattern. A lot of these animal stories were sad, and didn't have happy endings.

The Lost Message - This story is about ants. It talks about how ants are always being killed and eaten, and they have found no solution to helping it. The insect kind finally sends the ants a message about unity and working together, so that they will be saved. The message never gets to the ants, and they are still wandering around without unity, and still an easy target.

Monkey and the Fiddle - This was one story that has a happy ending. The monkey can play a beautiful song on the fiddle which makes everyone that hears it have to dance. I like the idea of this, a magical fiddle and  a magical song. At the end of the story the animals beg the monkey to stop playing because they are tired of dancing. The monkey gets his way because of this and finally stops playing.

Jackal Fools Lion Again - A lot of these stories have to do with jackal and lion. This story I though was really sad. The lion was trying to help everyone and hunting to provide food. Jackal takes all the food for himself and starves lions family. Jackal then kills lion by tricking him to eat a hot stone. I know that it is typical for lion to hunt jackal and him to be the dominant animal. Regardless of what usually happened with lion, I still felt bad for him because he was just trying to help.

Story of a Dam - Again this story has to do with jackal and lion. I though this story was also really sad. Jackal was hurting other animals and being mean, and in the end he kills lion. I do not like the jackal in these stories, he is a very annoying character. He does harm to others and gets away with it. This is an interesting twist to see lion as the one being killed each time.
(Jackal and the Lion - Wikipedia)

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