Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reading Diary - Alice In Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland, By. Lewis Carroll (1865)

Down the Rabbit-Hole: This was great story. I remember this scene of the movie very well from my childhood. I like the detail that I got to read about in the book though. I like how Alice while going down the hole try’s to think about what she had learned in school that might possible help her measure how far she had fallen. I also like her inner struggle with listening to herself and thinking about what she has learned and what others might advise her to do. I love the concept of this liquid making her small, and the cake making her really tall. This could be an interesting concept to apply in my own stories. I could also write about her getting into he garden finally and what happened while she is in there.
(Alice Grows - Wikipedia)

Advice from a Caterpillar: I also remember the slightly annoying Caterpillar from the movie, I can picture him smoking his hooka. Its fun for me to read these stories because I can picture them in my mind so vividly. I also remember the “who are you” question that caterpillar always asks Alice. She finally gets back to her normal height in this story, after getting even more distorted. She learns that she has to eat tiny tiny bits of the mushroom to balance out her size perfectly. She gets mistaken for a serpent because she grows too much and her nick gets very long. The illustration for this part of the story is great.

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