Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reading Diary Cont - English Fairy Tales

English Fairy Tales - By. Joseph Jacobs

Fairy Ointment: This was a cute story. I found it a bit confusing in the beginning, but I really liked the end. I like the idea of a fairly ointment that you can put on someones eyes and make them see something different. In this case the ointment made people not see or be able to see the stealing fairy. I would consider writing a story where the ointment allows people to see something good, instead of it being a bad thing. I think of fairy's as good creatures and not bad. 

(The Fairy Spreading the Ointment - Wikimedia)

Mr.Fox: I really liked this story also. I like that there was suspense and drama, but that the bad guy dies in the end. Lady Mary is a great character, she is so strong and I love how she waits till the breakfast to sign their marriage contract to tell everyone how horrible Mr.Fox is so that he can really suffer. Mr.Fox’s house seems like a terrible place! It was described really well and I had such a vivid picture of the scene. 

Johnny Cake: This is another one of those stories where a little part of it gets added on and on as the story goes. I still don’t really like this story style, I tend to get bored and stark skimming. I just don’t find it very exciting of a story. I liked the beginning of the story though when the little boy lets the Johnny cake out of the oven and he ran away.

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