Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reading Diary Week 7 - Congo Unit

Stories form Congo, By R.E. Dennett

Common themes of these stories - Dreams, wives, hunger, food

How Wife's Restored Their Husband - This was an odd story, It wasn't one of my favorites. I think  I just though the weirdest part was about the three wives. In the end they restore the husband, and he eats from one of the wives bowls. At the end of the story it makes a note that it would have been better if he ate all three of the wives food in one bowl.

How Gazelle Got Married - This story has a big theme of names. I can see names being a big part of the culture in Congo possible, I like this theme. Whatever animal finds out the names of the 2 daughter gets to marry them.

Vanishing Wife - I liked this story a lot. This story starts in a dream, and that dream then comes true. A woman and house appear and it eventually becomes his wife. Her only request is that he brings her a fish every day with its head cut off. One day he doest cut off the fish's head and his wife and house vanish forever.

(Man with his fish - Wikipedia)

Another Vanishing Wife - I really liked this story also. It has a similar story line to the original, but it is definitely different also. I might write my own version on a "vanishing wife" story. I though they were really interesting. The character in this story kept wanting to please his people, even though they were never nice to him. He focuses on this more than pleasing his wife who has always been very supporting of him. She ends up vanishing and the house too.

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