Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reading Diary - Native American Marriage Tales unit

Native American Marriage Tales Unit By: Stith Thompson 1929

The Piqued Buffalo-Wife: There was a lot going on in this story. It has the themes of family and being good to your family. A father should always be able to identify his own family, especially his children. A husband also needs to treat his wife well or else she might leave or be taken away from him.

The Eagle and the Whale Husband: This teaches the lesson that marriage is a 2 way street. Both have to be willing and active parties in order for it to work. These 2 girls married animals and they both didn't treat them well. They tied them up and didn't love and nurture their wife. These girls eventually found ways to escape and run away.

Common theme of humans marrying animals.

The Fox Woman: This was a very odd story. A fox turns into a pretty lady and walks into a hunters house and tells him she is his wife. The hunter takes her to be his wife because she is so beautiful. The lady smells like a fox and the hunter notices. After this, the lady turns back into a fox and runs away forever.

The Woman Stolen by Killer Whales: This was a very cute story. The woman gets taken by killer whales because her and her husband caught their friend. The husband runs after her determined to save her. He makes friends with the sharks who help him out a lot, and he saves his wife. The Shark fights the killer whales so that the woman is set fee. It was odd because these water animals don't seem to be in water at all during this story.
(The Killer Whale - Pixabay)

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