Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reading Diary Week 7 Continued - Congo Unit

Congo Unit By R.E. Dennett

General themes: trickery, preparing food, hunger, animals. The dominant predatory animal gets tricked and killed by an animal lower on the food chain.

The turtle and the man - This story has a lot of animals deaths. It was a fairly graphic story. The turtle tricks the OX and Fox into helping him, but then he doesn't leave then with any food. The Turtle kills the OX and eats him. The fox tricks the turtle back and bites his head off when he gets close. The Fox then eats the turtle.

The Antelope and the leopard - The antelope makes a bet with the leopard that he can find him, and if he does find him that the leopard has to die. The Antelope finds the leopard easily, but the leopard tries to trick the antelope. The antelope changes into a beautiful woman and tricks the leopard into killing his other 4 wives and himself. So the antelope kills the leopard in the end, as well as his family.

The Gazelle and leopard - The gazelle eats all of the leopards food. Then the Gazelle plays drums and tricks the leopard to come dance. They then ambush Leopard and kill him.

(Leopard and Gazelle in the wild - YouTube)

The three brothers - I really liked this story, but it ended so abruptly! I might write a second part to this story and come up with a real ending. How this story ending is with the 3 brothers being told not to kill the intruder but to invite her inside because its their mother. Will they end up listening to the advice ?

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