Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction To A Future Advertiser

Hi Everyone!

I am Junior Advertising major, and have a Sociology minor. I love that my major has a focus on projects and group assignments as opposed to reading textbooks. My favorite class last semester was Social Media Marketing. It was a Gaylord college elective class, and I really enjoyed it. We got to do a final project for a real cruse company, and present our project to the CEO of the company at the end of the year. I like using Photoshop for class and also in my free time. I like editing my every day pictures using Photoshop and creating original work on it. I am a very organized person and love when things run smoothly.

I was born in Austin Texas but moved to Orange County California when I was eight. I have lived in California ever since, and I have loved getting to grow up in such a beautiful place. I went back to my home in California over break, and hadn’t been home for eight months. I love going back to some of my favorite spots and restaurants back home. It was also great to be able to catch up with my family and see my two doggies. My two dogs names are Daisy and Duke. They are both so entertaining and have there own unique personalities.
(This is Daisy)

(This is Duke looking smart with glasses on)

We also traveled to North Carolina to spend the holidays with my grandparents and cousins this break. We brought both my doggies along with us.
(These are both of them at the airport on there way to North Carolina)

I have loved being able to come back to the south for college, and especially love the people I have met here. I am a member of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma and have gotten the opportunity to meet lots of girls from all over. I have also worked as a Marketing Intern for State Farm here in Norman for about a year now and love being able to do a little part time work when I can.  


  1. Hey Macey! I was excited when I saw that I got to read your work. The pictures of your dogs were cracking me up! They are so cute. I am so jealous that you got to spend this break back home in California. I need to come visit you guys there sometime. I am glad we are in this class together! Congrats on your job. I hope you have a great semester.

  2. Well it was nice to read this and get to know you through this blog! My name is Cody Johnson and I am a Senior, also I major in Health & Exercise Science. I am beyond jealous that you are from Orange County, California! I spent time there on vacation the past two Christmas's before this last Christmas, it is such a great place! I hope you had a great start to the semester!

  3. Hi Macey!
    I have to agree with you about having group projects and such compared to buying a whole bunch of textbooks, I like that about my Human Relations major as well! That’s pretty cool that you actually got to present to a real CEO of a company, I’m sure that was so fun, but nerve-racking! Also, I like being organized as well, not having things planned out or not knowing what is happening next is definitely not my personality. Lastly, I love your puppies! I am totally a dog person, so I understand how it feels to be away from them for so long. Hopefully you will get more chances to go back and visit them! Best of luck for the rest of the semester!

  4. How great that you know how to use Photoshop, Macey — maybe you can do some Photoshop experiments for illustrations to your stories in this class! That is a powerful piece of software, and it can be intimidating. I use a free piece of software called GIMP that does a lot of the same things... but mostly I just crop and resize and make animated gifs. My needs are simple!

    And we are both from Austin! And I also moved away when I was 8! My family moved to Oregon and then Arizona and other places, but when my dad retired, he moved back to Austin, so I get to go visit him there, even though I don't really remember very much from when I was a little kid there.

    And your dogs are such cuties! I'm seen people traveling with a dog or even with a cat at the airport... but never two dogs! What an adventure! Maybe you can write a story that features the two of them as characters: I bet that would be fun! :-)

  5. Hey Macey! I think it’s so cool that you know how to work with Photoshop! I’ve always wanted to learn how because I’ve seen all the different effects you can use on pictures to make them look their best. I’m the same was as you and love going to all of my favorite restaurants when I go back home to Fort Worth. I can’t believe you hadn’t been home in 8 months! It must have been really fun going home to see your family and friends you hadn’t seen in a while!

  6. Hi Macey!! How cool is it that you had the opportunity to present something real to the CEO of a company? I can only imagine how inspiring that was! I've never dealt much with Photoshop so I think it's really neat that you enjoy working with it and creating your own pictures! Those skills will be great for when you graduate college! I am already obsessed with your dogs!! Your pictures of them are adorable!

  7. Hi, Macey. I know it might be odd, but I have to say this first as a dog lover. I love the pictures of your dogs. They are so adorable! I like how you put glasses on Duke. What a wonderful goal and skills. I hope your goal becomes true and someday I can watch an advertisement you make. I am impressed with your skill over Photoshop because I know how difficult they can be. I tried to use Photoshop before but it was too hard for me.

  8. Hey,
    I am also a junior this year. It is crazy how fast the time has gone by. It sounds like you enjoy your major so thats always good. I have only been to Cali once and I was about eight. So I do not remember much of it. I would like to go back one day.
    I am also a huge dog lover. I have a puppy but had to leave her back at home in Idaho. I miss her. I know what it is like not being able to see your family for a long time. Thats why its always nice to have close friends around!

  9. Nice to meet you Macey! Your dogs look hilarious in those pictures. I have started to enjoy working in groups a lot more recently, however, I don't mind studying on my own or in a book too. You probably know my girlfriend Matty Williams since you are both in the same sorority. She is in this class too but maybe you already knew that. I want to visit Austin soon because I have never been and hear so many awesome things about it. Good luck in your major and in your storytelling this semester!

  10. Hi Macey! I’m a junior advertising major as well. I feel like I’ve encountered so many ad majors in this class! I love to hear that you enjoyed social media marketing because I have been wanting to take that! That is so cool your family lives in California; this is somewhere I would definitely love to work after graduation. I also love the show the O.C. :-) Have a great spring semester!

  11. Hi Macey! It is really nice to meet you! How cool is it that you presented your project to the CEO of a company. I have never been in Austin, but I would love to visit when I have the opportunity. Your dogs are so cute. I really like the pictures. Good luck in your major and I hope you have a great semester.

  12. Hi Macey! I am really surprised how many advertising majors there are in this class. I think you are the fourth one I have read. Your doggies are so cute. Love the glasses. It really cracked me up. It's great that you like working with photoshop. I tried it and found it too difficult for me. I'm envious of those who can use it with apparent ease. Good luck this semester.

  13. Hey Macey! It's cool that you have so much experience living both on the West Coast and here in the more southern portion of the United States--I'm from the East Coast and nowhere else, and when I moved here it was a kind of crazy transition, but I'm so glad that you got the opportunity to come back to the South when you wanted to. And I have total respect for people who like to play around with Photoshop--because I find it so frustrating! Have you taken any classes for your sociology minor that you really particularly enjoyed? I'm an anthropology major and always looking for interesting classes...
    (P.S. Your dogs are VERY CUTE :) )

  14. It sounds like you are on a great path with your major! Congrats and I hope everything goes well with it! Cali to oklahoma is a big move! But I am glad you came. Your dogs are adorable, I have two dogs as well and they are my whole world!

  15. Hey Macey! It's nice to meet you! I'm surprised that I haven't read your introduction before but I guess better late than never! I grew up in Houston so I've been to Austin a million times. That must've been cool growing up in California too though! Definitely better weather than Oklahoma, Houston, and Austin combined! Oh and your dogs are adorable! Nice to meet you!

  16. Hi Macey! I was actually considering being an Advertising major before I decided to stick with my MIS major. I always thought it would be fun to come up with advertisements for all the different products available. Your dogs are really cute, making me miss mine :) It must be very different to go from living in California to Oklahoma!

  17. That’s really cool that you’re grew up in California. I always wanted to go there. I’m sure it’s gorgeous there. Your dogs are really cute and so small! I love the sunglasses on Duke. That’s funny your dog’s name is Duke though. I have a dog named Duke as well (or at least my parents do). He’s a white labradoodle and he’s adorable.

  18. Hi Macey! Nice to meet you. Cute dogs! My wife and I will be getting a dog next month (a shiba inu), and we couldn't be more excited. They are so cute! I'm also a very organized person, so I know exactly how you feel. Almost done with the semester! Thanks for sharing!
