Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges

Being an adverting major I loved watching these clips. I have seen the jellybean video before and it really resonated with me. I thought the procrastination advertisement was a great clip as well. I think that the health/happiness and time parts of HEART resonate with me the most. I think that all the section of HEART are great mottos to try and live by, and will truly enrich your life. Health is important to me because I think that living a healthy lifestyle and having a healthy mindset are great core goals to strive for in life. Happiness stands out to be because there is really nothing more important than happiness. Happiness in friendships, happiness at home, happiness with your job, happiness with yourself; a fulfilling life starts with all these things. Lastly time, deciding how to use your time and making the most of your time can be a hard thing to figure out. As we get older and wiser I think that this obstacle becomes clearer.

(Inner Happiness - Flickr)


  1. Macey, I really liked the three areas you focused on in your learning challenges (health, happiness and time management). These are three things that I want to focus on more in my life as well! I agree that happiness is one of the moist important qualities in life. I am glad that you are happy and healthy! Your learning challenges were very inspiring for me. I hope you have been growing in these are this semester!

  2. Hey Mace! I always wondered how much work really went into creating those clips! I liked the jellybean video as will and also the procrastination one! I also think that health is very important because a healthy mindset and lifestyle helps create happiness, peace, relationships, and helps you strive to your core goals as well. Beautiful picture on your post! You’re 21 ;)

  3. I think you're really right about the fact that happiness is important in being able to the best of your ability. There's a quote somewhere that says that happiness isn't really an emotion that you feel at any given time, it's a rhythm that you fall into with certain things that you feel good about as a whole, and I think that things like living a healthy lifestyle and figuring out how best to manage your time really play into that. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I agree with what you said here, and good luck for the rest of your semester on all your learning challenges!

  4. Hey Macey! I had also seen the jellybean video before and liked it so much that I tagged my friends in it so they could see it as well! I agree with you on happiness being one of the most important things in life. If love what you do and have happy relationships nothing else really matters! I think happiness is truly contagious, so by keeping a positive attitude and smiling throughout the day rubs off on those around you!
