Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week 1 Storytelling: Journey to Our Holiday Home

The Dot family vacationed at their cabin once a year. They went to the cabin each year around the time the air turned brisk and snow started to form. Sally Sue Dot is the youngest of the family, and was merely two years of age when her family brought her here for the first time. Her older brother, Landon Lane Dot was five years old when they came for the first time. Every member of the Dot family looked forward to there annual trip to the cabin, and cherished the memories they had made there along the way.

The Dots would hike though the land around the cabin and explore the property and nature it had to offer. Landon Lane enjoyed cutting down trees and using the branches to put in the fireplace to keep the cabin warm. Sally Sue loved making snow angels and snowmen during years where there was lots of snow. She also loved the nature that surrounded the house and often could explore all day.

For 15 years the Dots enjoyed trips to this cabin each and every year  ….. until everything changed.

When Landon Lane was twenty he came home for Christmas break with his new girlfriend. A darling young lady she was, so naturally his whole family was elated that he had found such a catch. Her name was Darlene Doo, and the family grew to love her more each day. That time of year came, and the air turned cold once again, so they all packed a bag and got ready to head to the cabin.

Now, no one is quite sure exactly what happened that week while the Dots were away at the cabin. What we do know is that Darlene Doo is never seen again, and the word ‘cabin’ is to never be brought up around anyone of the Dot family. 

(Winter Cabin - Fliker)
Authors Note:

This story is based on Tom Gauld’s “Map of the Area surrounding our Holiday Home”. Gould’s piece has a map of his holiday home and a legend that describes different areas of the map. His legend and map describe very creepy things such as Giant Rats, Escaped Convict, Ogre, Witches, and so many more. I liked coming up with a story that was based on a picture, it gave me a lot of freedom to interpret the picture in my own way.  Instead of making a story that descried all the horrific things that could take place at this holiday home, I instead wanted to set up the story during a time where this location wasn’t so scary. After I set up this nice picture of a happy family’s cabin, I then wanted the readers to be able to come up with there own horror story about what could have happened during that one mystery week. I chose this picture because it was a good representation of how I pictured the cabin in Toms story to look. I used this picture to set the scene in my mind to create my story, so I want the readers to be able to get a good visual of the scene too. 

Map of the Area Surrounding our Holiday Home, a cartoon by Tom Gauld from his book ROBOTS, MONSTERS Etc., 2006. Link to online source. 


  1. Great first story!!! The Dot family sounded so cute and fun... until the very end! This story left me on the edge of my seat and wanting to read more. I do not think that I have ever read the original story before… but now I am interested to check out some of the authors work. I am excited to see what other creative ideas you come up with throughout this semester.

  2. You did a really good job on creating this story. It was well put together and you it was well done in the way you built the story into the ending of this story . I was very interested throughout the whole story, you did a great job of keeping it entertaining. I am ready to read more of your stories throughout the semester!

  3. Hi Macey!
    I really enjoyed reading your Storytelling for week 1. Throughout your story, I felt like you painted a picture for me of what time of year the story was set in and kinda what the whole story really looked like. In addition, I like how you transitioned into the “ending” of your story. It went from a classic family tale to a mystery/horror in just a few words. If this were an actual book, I would probably continue on to figure out what happened to the girl and if one of the family members had something to do with it. Best of luck for the rest of the semester!

  4. Macey... you're good, girl! After reading your story and then reading your author notes, it is safe to say that you accomplished your goal. You set up the beautiful spot and then right at the end, left the reader with such great suspense! Sheesh. I love suspense and my mind can just run a mile a second trying to piece to pieces together. What ever happened to little miss Darlene Doo? Was she kidnaped? murdered? Did the family have something to do with her disappearance? Did her family go looking for her? SO MANY CHOICES! I loved it, great job! You're giving me some great ideas!
