Sunday, January 31, 2016

Topics - Week 2

1. Possible Topic: Elf Tales. I love Christmas, but really just any holiday in general. I have always been interested in looking into and exploring where all the make-believe traditions came from. Who came up with Santa? The North Pole? Elves? I think I could write a series of stories exploring where some of these traditions and icons came form.

Research so far: Here is a link to some info about how Santa Clause came to be. There are also many many other names for Santa, and I could look at what other country’s traditions are. My story might not be accurate to how these figures actually came to be, but a possible story of how they could have started.

(Old Santa Claus - wikimedia)

2. Possible Topic: Friends/a TV show. I have read a few other storybooks about TV shows, and how people have added onto them. The one that sparked my attention today was a storybook about the show friends. I love this show, and was so sad when it ended. I might look into a TV show to write a storybook about. Another storybook I read was about gossip girl. This also made me think about movies too. One of my favorite movies is Inside Out, and I have wanted them to come out with a second movie. I would be interested in writing a storybook based on the movie concept.

Research so far: Here is a link to a bit about the concept of the movie Inside Out. It is such a unique movie that I would be interested in exploring it deeper. The movie was intellectual, moving and funny. It was also great for all ages. This would give me a lot freedom to take my storybook in the direction I would want.  

(Inside Out character - Flickr)

3. Possible Topic: Beauty and the Beast. I chose to look at this story for my storybook because I love classic Disney stories. I honestly haven’t read many of the original stories so I was really interested to look into the original stories. Since I did use to love the story of Beauty and the Beast so much when I was younger I think I would enjoy creating a few extended stories based on it for my storybook.

Research so far: This is a link to the wiki page that tells a bit about the origin of this story. It has a French origin, which I think would be an interesting topic to look into. France screams romance, so I might be interested in writing a few stories that elaborate on there love and romance.

4. Possible Topic: The Little Mermaid: I had no idea that the Little Mermaid movie and story had so many differences. I find that this is often the case though, so it makes sense. I read about half of this Little Mermaid story, it is very long so I just wanted to get the general idea of it.  This is another one of my favorite Disney stories, and I actually really liked the original written story as well. I might be interested in writing a storybook about multiple different Disney stories, or even combine this story with the Beauty and the Beast.

Research so far: Here is a link about the original written story. I had no idea it was written so long ago, but I found that really cool. The ending of this written story is the biggest difference from the movie. I would be interested in looking more into just the ending of the written story and exploring it.

1 comment:

  1. Macey, I am not sure which topic you decided to go with for your project, but all of these look great! I think Elf tales would be so much fun because who doesnt love Christmas stories?! I love the pictures you used in this post. I am excited to see what topic you went with and get to read some of your stories! Keep up the good work!
